You are here: Communications > Communication Messages > Reviews Communication Messages

Reviews Communication Messages

There are several Communication Message for Reviews.

These messages are only available if the Ratings and Reviews feature is active for this LearnCenter. See Ratings and Reviews for information about this feature.

The default Subject, Body and Trigger information for each message is listed below. These may differ than what your System Administrator set up in the root LearnCenter. You have the ability to edit message defaults on a per-LearnCenter basis. See Editing Communication Messages and Communication Message - Automation for instructions.

Some messages can be configured using triggers and some with multiple action dates. The following table lists all available messages, and their action date and trigger availability.

Message Name Recipient Subject Message Body Before/ Upon/ After Action Date Configurable by Time Frame Description Trigger Available
Review Approval User Approved - Review Submission for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" Your review for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" has been approved. Upon Review Approval No This message is to the submitter when the moderator has approved their review submission. No
Review Pending Approval Administrator Need Approval - Review Submission for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" A review submitted by [[Submitter First Name]] [[Submitter Last Name]] for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" needs to be approved prior to being posted. Upon Review Submission No This message is sent to all Users with the moderator permission for the item type submitter submitted a review. No
Review Rejection User Rejected - Review Submission for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" Your review for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" has been rejected. Upon Review Rejection No This message is sent to the submitter when the moderator has rejected their review submission. No
Review Removal User Removed - Review Submission for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" Your review for "[[Reviewed Item Name]]" has been removed. Upon Item Removal No This message is sent to the submitter when the moderator has removed their review submission. No

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